F&M Investment Services
Beginning January 14, 2022 online access to your accounts will only be available via AdviceWorks. AdviceWorks is an easy-to-use platform that allows you to collaborate with your financial professional, set goals and measure progress, and see all your finances in one place. With secure file sharing, you can say goodbye to cumbersome mail and lengthy paper documents. AdviceWorks is designed exclusively for us to achieve greater collaboration and is available to you at no additional cost. Furthermore, when you enroll in AdviceWorks, key documents are automatically available to you through the secure portal. You'll receive email notifications when your documents are ready, granting you awareness and control of your financial future.
Even though you can't directly login to ic2i after January 14th, you can still access ic2i from within AdviceWorks by clicking "All Accounts" under the "My Accounts Tab".
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Securities and insurance products are offered through Cetera Investment Services LLC (doing insurance business in CA as CFGIS Insurance Agency), Member FINRA/ SIPC. Advisory services are offered through Cetera Investment Advisers LLC. Neither firm is affiliated with the financial institution where investment services are offered. Investment products are: • Not FDIC/NCUSIF insured • May go down in value • Not Financial Institution guaranteed • Not a deposit • Not insured by any federal government agency. The information in this website is for U.S. residents only and does not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to purchase brokerage services to persons outside of the United States. The data available on this site is provided for informational purposes only. Do not rely on this information for tax reporting. Official transaction, account, and tax information is provided separately in your trade confirmations, account statements and tax reports. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.
View Cetera Investment Services Privacy Policy, Statement of Financial Condition and other Important Information.